Get to know Blocks

“Blocks” is a term you’ll hear a lot as you use Qwilr. Here’s a quick guide to how they work.

What are blocks?

Think of Blocks like Modules or even Lego, you use Blocks to build out your Page's. They stack vertically, so you can have unique and visually stunning layers for your clients to scroll through! 

Qwilr has 6 types of Blocks, and each one does a different job.

Want to see the Block menu? Click on the + symbol at the top or bottom of any Block. Click on any icon to add that Block to your page.

You can stack Blocks in any order and use them in any combination.

Inserting Blocks

You can insert new Blocks between other Blocks at any time. Click the + symbol between any two Blocks to do this. 

Moving and deleting Blocks

You can move a Block up or down the page easily. Head to the top left corner of the Block and click the up/down arrow buttons to move that block up or down one level. You can also delete a Block you no longer need by clicking on the Trash can. Be cautious, however, as we can't recover deleted content for you.

Cloning Blocks

The Clone tool can save you some time by making a copy of any Block in your page. That way you can reuse its content or styling.

In the top left corner of the block, click the Clone icon.

That will place a copy of the Block immediately below. From there, you can edit or move it as needed.

Saving and reusing Blocks

Saving and reusing content is one of Qwilr's superpowers. You can set up a whole library of saved blocks for your team to use in future pages. Learn all about it here.

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