Zapier integration overview

Zapier helps you connect Qwilr to thousands of other cloud apps. You can build automations (or "Zaps") to automatically perform various background tasks. 

In this article

Note: Integration settings are only available to account admins.

Setting up the integration

Step 1. Start by logging into Qwilr. Head to the top right corner and click on your initials. Then choose Account Settings.

Step 2. In the left menu, locate the Qwilr API section. Click it to open the API settings.

Step 3. Highlight your account's unique API key and copy it. You'll need this in the next step.

Step 4. Log into your Zapier account now, and start building a Zap. During that process, you'll be prompted paste in the API key from your Qwilr account.

Creating a Zap

Now that Qwilr and Zapier are connected, it's time to build a Zap.

Step 1. In Zapier, click the +Create Zap button (if you haven't already done this in the section above).

Step 2. You can use Qwilr as either the Trigger step (starting point) of your workflow, or the Action step (end point.) Zapier will place you in the Trigger step first.

Choose the Trigger app for your workflow. Then choose from the list of available triggers. (If you want Qwilr to be the trigger, here's a list of Qwilr's available triggers)

Zapier will walk you through the steps to complete the Trigger step.

Step 3. Next, choose the Action app for your workflow. (If you want to to use Qwilr for the Action step, you'll have one available action: creating a new Qwilr Page.)

Step 4. Finish the Zap by following the rest of the prompts. If you'd like to see this process in action, check out the video above.

And you're done! 

Triggers for your Zap

If you choose Qwilr as the Trigger app for your Zap, you'll have these options for the starting point of the workflow:

  • Project Accepted: Triggers when a Qwilr Page is accepted
  • Project First Viewed: Triggers when a Page is first viewed
  • New Project (page creation): Triggers when a Page is first created
  • Project Published: Triggers when a Page is published

Actions for your Zap

When you choose Qwilr as the Action app for your Zap, you'll have one option:

  • Create New Project: Creates a new Qwilr Page from a template

Pulling details from a Qwilr Page into the Zap

As you create a Zap, there will be several places where you'll be able to pull in specific details from a Qwilr Page, and pass them to the other app. (Or, you can pull details from another app and pass them into a Qwilr Page.)

To tell Zapier what details to pull and where to place them, you'll use "tokens." Every token corresponds to a data field in one of your connected apps.

Any spot where you can use a token, Zapier will provide you with a list of the available tokens. Here's what this list looks like.

You can click the Show all options button to reveal more tokens.

When you use Qwilr as the Trigger app, you'll have tokens for details like:

  • Name of the accepted Qwilr Page
  • Name of the person who accepted your Qwilr Page
  • URL of the accepted Qwilr Page
  • Company name of the person who accepted your Qwilr Page
  • Email address of the person who accepted your Qwilr Page
  • Name of the Qwilr Page owner
  • Email address of the Qwilr Page owner

What's Next:

Questions? Contact us at [email protected] and we'd be happy to assist!

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