Canceling your account

Cancel your Qwilr subscription: simple steps to close your account

If you need to cancel your paid account with Qwilr, you can do this within your account settings.

If you're currently on a trial, there is nothing you need to do to cancel. We'll automatically close your account when your trial period ends.

If you're thinking about canceling your account, please get in touch and let us know if there is anything we can help with. We never want you to be unhappy with your Qwilr service and we're here to help.

Note: If you cancel, your account will stay active until the end of your current billing period. After that, unless you reverse the cancellation, your account will be closed, and your public page URLs will no longer work.

If you're definitely ready to close your account, here are the steps.

Step 1. Head to the top right corner of Qwilr and click on your initials. Then click Account Settings.

Step 2. In the left menu, choose Subscription. At the bottom of the page you'll see Cancel Subscription button. Click that to cancel.

Note: Only account admins have access to subscription settings.

Having issues? Reach out to us at [email protected].

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