Adding Navigation to your Page

Navigate your buyers with ease! 

Our Navigation Bar allows you to add a table of contents to quickly navigate your Qwilr proposals. Additionally, it allows for easy access to a quote total preview and a quick access Accept button at the top of the proposal. 

In this article:

Interacting with the Navigation Bar

The Navigation Bar is set up for all Qwilr Pages while editing, in the top right underneath the share button.

Here you can find the following features:

  • Accept button access at the top of your Page
  • The Quote total if your proposal has a Quote Block
  • Configure nav options including the ability to hide and display specifics
  • The ability to hide the nav while editing
  • Springboard options are also in the Configure nav menu

Configure nav

The Configure nav menu allows you to adjust the following items:

  • Where the nav bar appears on the proposal (top bar as in display, on the left, or a floating icon in the top left of a proposal).
  • The background color of the bar
  • Whether the Springboard menu is visible
  • Whether your page owner's contact details (email and profile name) are visible
  • Whether you wish to show or hide the Blocks nav menu
  • The Quote Block total being visible at the top of the proposal

Naming sections of the Navigation

Every Block in your page appears in the Navigation by default. If a Block has a heading, we'll pull that in as a Block Title, but you can customize it if you want.  

In your Navigation Bar, you'll see a pencil icon next to each block name. Click on it to update the name, then click the check mark to confirm it.

Hiding sections from the Navigation

You can also hide any Block from displaying in the Navigation. Check the eye icon to the right of the Block title. If you decide later to include this block in the navigation, just click the eye to show it again. 

Quick note: You can exclude or include hidden items on your own editor view via the exclude hidden items button at the bottom of the Blocks list. 

Once you've hidden a Block, you'll see it crossed out in your menu while editing. Your clients won't see this in the live page.

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