FAQ: Can my custom domain redirect to my website?

If you've set up a Custom Domain for your Qwilr account, here's an added feature. You can also set up a redirect so that if a client visits your custom domain, they'll be taken to your website. 

Note: This feature is available on our Enterprise plan.

For example, let's say your custom domain is  proposals.mydomain.com. You send someone a link to a proposal, like https://proposals.mydomain.com/My-Project-ol9R7y3A

If they decided to visit proposals.mydomain.com instead, they would normally be taken to the Qwilr website. But you can change this setting to take them to your own website instead.

Changing the Setting

Step 1. Click on your initials in the top right corner of the page. Choose Account Settings.

Step 2. In the left menu, choose Account. Then scroll down to the Company Details section. 

Step 3. From there, make sure your details are filled in. Qwilr uses the Company Website field to redirect your clients if they access your custom domain.

"Account" section of the Qwilr settings, showing the company domain typed in

Step 4. Click on Update Company Details and then you're done!

Do you have any questions? Don't hesitate to contact our Support Team at [email protected].

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