Mixpanel Integration

If you're a Mixpanel customer and you want to be able to track your Qwilr Page activity within your account, this integration is for you. Mixpanel offers both free and paid plans.

In this article

Note: Integration settings are only available to account admins.

Set up the Mixpanel integration

Step 1: In your Qwilr account, click on your initials in the top right corner of the page. Then choose Add Integrations. 

Step 2. On the Integrations page, choose Mixpanel and then click Enable Mixpanel.

Step 3: Head to your Mixpanel account now. In the top right corner, click the Settings icon, and then choose your project to open its settings. 

From there, scroll down to the Access Keys. Then copy your project token.

Step 4: Back in Qwilr, paste that token into the integration settings and click Update Mixpanel site token.

Using the integration

Once you've enabled the integration, all Qwilr pageview data will be sent to your Mixpanel account automatically. You'll be able to track your Qwilr activity along with your other campaigns.

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