Salesforce: Flows + Process Builder
Our Salesforce integration supports Flows, a Salesforce tool that can help you automate processes.
Flows will replace the Salesforce Process Builder as it is phased out by them.
Note: The Salesforce integration is available only on our Enterprise plan.
In this article:
What is Flows useful for?
Qwilr users can use Flows to perform a variety of automations, including (but not limited to):
- Automatically send emails to the Sales team when a Qwilr page is created or accepted
- Automatically create a Deal record when you create a Qwilr page from a Contact record
- Changing a Deal/Opportunity stage when a page is accepted
- Creating an Account record for your client on Salesforce when they accept a Qwilr page
Migrating from Process Builder to Flows
Salesforce has a tool to migrate Process Builder processes that contain scheduled actions. You can read more from Salesforce on it, and Flows in general, in their link at the top right of the Process Builder page or by searching "Flows" in the Setup Search.
Example of creating a flow: Update the Opportunity stage and create an Account on Qwilr acceptance
This example creates a flow to automatically create an Account for a client when they accept a Qwilr page, while also updating the stage on the Opportunity record.
Create a new flow by going to Setup → Search ‘Flow’ → Flows → New → Record Triggered Flow.
Use Qwilr Document as the triggering object and configure it to trigger when a record is updated.
Add a new Decision block under the starting block. Add a condition for the Accept Status field to be accepted as shown below.
Add a create record block after the decision block to create a new account. You can use the name Create Account for this block. Fill in the following information.
Add an Update Record block to update the opportunity stage and name it Update Opportunity Stage.
At this point, the flow should look something like the below:
Save the flow, and click on Activate.
After completing these steps, you should be able to see a new Accounts record, as well as the updated stage on the Opportunity page whenever a Qwilr Page is accepted!
Please reach out to us with any questions by clicking Help in your account or reaching out to [email protected].