Welcome to Qwilr Springboard

Never lose track of Qwilr pages you've received with Springboard!

With Springboard you can save pages, contact the page owner, see which pages are awaiting your signature, and see when those pages expire. You can also use your e-signature and saved information to sign future Qwilr proposals. And once you've signed agreements you'll always be able to access the audit trail and see that agreement.

Save Pages

Save pages

◼️ Keep a record of pages in one place to get back to them easily
◼️ Track the status of pages
◼️ See if any action is required from you

Click the Save button on any Qwilr page to save it to your account. You can view all of your saved pages at springboard.qwilr.com/saved.

Contact the page owner

To email the owner of a page from Springboard, click the triple dots menu on the page and then click Contact page owner.

See the pages awaiting your signature

If a page is awaiting your signature you'll see it marked as Pending. If the page has multiple signers the number of people awaiting signatures remaining will be shown.

See when pages are expiring soon

If a page has an expiry time limit, you will see when there are fewer than 7 days remaining until expiry.

Contact the page owner if you need to extend the time limit or get access again after expiry.

Download the audit trail

Once a page is accepted, an audit trail PDF is generated. This contains all the information related to the document and its acceptance for your record keeping.

From Springboard, click on an accepted page's triple dots menu and then click Audit trail. 

And now you can autofill Qwilr proposals with your saved signature and name

While accepting a page, if you are signed into your Springboard account, you will have the option to autofill your signature information. This will include your name, organization, and your last-used e-signature. If you need to make changes, you can edit both your name and email right there.

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