Pipedrive: Adding Custom Field Tokens

If you use Pipedrive's custom fields, you will be able to add them into Qwilr as tokens to personalize your Qwilr pages even further.

Importing custom fields

As soon as you create a custom field in Pipedrive, it will show up on the list of available tokens in your Qwilr account. If you're an account admin, you will be able to control whether or not these fields can be used in Qwilr templates. To add them to the list of tokens your team can:

1. Head to  Integrations > Pipedrive in your Qwilr account.

2. In the  Integration settings section select the object type (Deals, Leads, Organizations, and People) and make sure you have Custom selected under Filters.

You can also search by the field name:

3. Select the fields needed by checking the box on the right side. Your selection will be automatically saved and the fields will now be available on the list of tokens in your Pipedrive templates.

Removing custom fields

To remove any custom field from the list of available in your templates tokens, head to Integrations > Pipedrive and uncheck the box for any fields no longer needed.

Note: Unselecting the field does not remove it from the templates it was already added to as a token. In order to remove a field from use in a template you will need to manually delete it.

Supported fields

Only specific fields in Pipedrive are supported by our integration. See the lists below for the types of fields supported and any limitations.

🟢  Supported fields:

  • Text
  • Autocomplete
  • Large text
  • Numerical
  • Monetary  
    • Monetary: the value of the custom monetary field
    • Currency: the currency of the custom monetary field
  • Time: except for Timezone
  • Time range: except for Timezone
    • Start of Time Range
    • End of Time Range
  • Date: Specific date that is chosen from a drop-down calendar
  • Date range: except for Timezone
    • Start of Date Range
    • End of Date Range
  • Address
    • Address
    • Full/combined address
    • Apartment/suite no
    • House number
    • Street/road name
    • District/sublocality
    • City/town/village/locality
    • State/county
    • Region
    • Country
    • ZIP/Postal code
  • Phone

🟡 Partially supported fields:

  • User
  • Organization
  • Person

🔴 Not supported fields:

  • Multiple options 
  • Single option  
  • Timezone

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