Embedding PDFs

Need to embed a PDF file?

If you need to provide supporting documents to your client but don't want to clutter your proposal, try embedding a PDF in your Qwilr Page.

In this article:

Note: To embed a PDF, you'll need to have it hosted on a file hosting service like Google Drive or Dropbox. The PDF needs to be publicly available - private content can't be embedded.

Adding an Embed Block

Step 1. Choose Embed from the new block menu in your page.

Step 2. Select iFrame Embed from the list of options. 

Step 3. You'll see this form. Time to get the embed code from your PDF. 

Adding an Embed Widget

Step 1. Anywhere you're able to click on the + symbol in your Qwilr Pages and Templates, you'll now see the option to add embedded content from services like hosts for PDF docs. (just as you can with our Embed Block). While in a Text or Splash block, click the + symbol (if you don't see that symbol, try hitting the Return key to add a new line). You'll see the Embed option..

Step 2. From here, you'll see Categories - select Other and iFrame and then enter in your site/service's iframe code.

Finding the embed code: Google Drive

Step 1. Head over to Google Drive and open your PDF.  

Note: Make sure the file is set in Google Drive so it's either publicly viewable, or viewable by anyone who has the link.

Step 2. With the PDF displaying, head to the top right corner of the screen and click on the More actions icon (3 dots). Then choose Open in new window.

Step 3. When your PDF opens in a new window, click on the More actions icon (3 dots) again. This time, select Embed item.

Step 4. Copy the embed code.

Step 5. Back in the Qwilr Page, paste the code into the box and click See It.

That's it! Your PDF is embedded.

Finding the embed code: Dropbox

Step 1. In Dropbox, head to the file you'd like to embed. Hover over it and click the Share button.

Step 2. If this is your first time sharing the PDF, you'll need to click Create a Share Link at the bottom of the pop-up window.

Note: Make sure the file is publicly viewable. You may need to put it into a Public folder. Or alternatively, you can set the page link to "Anyone who has the link can view."

Step 3.  Then, click Copy link.

Step 3. Back in your Qwilr Page, paste the link into the box. Then click See it.

That's it! Your PDF is embedded.

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