FAQ: How do I restore a deleted Qwilr Page?

Sometimes you accidentally delete the wrong Qwilr Page. Here's how to fix that.

Step 1. Select the Deleted folder from the sidebar of your dashboard.

Step 2. Click the Restore button to immediately restore your project. 

Step 3. Head back to the Pages section of your dashboard. The page will be there in Draft mode. If you'd like to make it Live again, hover over it to reveal the Share button, then click it.

Note: If you delete a page from one of your dashboard folders and then you restore it, the page will end up in the main dashboard, not in its original folder.

Step 4. From there, click the Set Live to make the page Live once again.

How long will my pages remain in the Deleted folder?

You have up to 30 days to restore a deleted Qwilr page. After that, pages in your Deleted folder are permanently deleted.

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