Permissions for Your Account, Pages, and Blocks

Customize Access with Qwilr's Flexible Permissions

Occasionally, you need to manage which team members can access specific pages or templates. Qwilr offers a suite of flexible permission tools to help you do just that. With these tools, you can assign view, edit, or admin rights to individual team members, ensuring that only the right people have the appropriate access levels. This way, you can maintain control over your content, enhance collaboration, and safeguard sensitive information, all while ensuring that your team can work efficiently and effectively.

Note: The Permissions settings apply only to users with the Creator role. Account admins will always be able to view and edit all content.

In this article

Account-wide settings

Your account has two default settings: one for page access and one for inviting new users. Any admin on your account can update these settings.

Default page access

To access your default page-sharing setting, head to the top right corner of Qwilr. Click on your initials and choose  Account Settings → Account.

The default options are:

  • Pages are private by default - All new Qwilr Pages are visible only to the person who created them and any account admins.
  • Pages can be viewed by everyone - All new Qwilr Pages are visible to all team members. All account admins can edit them by default.
  • Pages can be edited by everyone - All new pages are editable by all users in the account.

With these settings, any user who creates a page can still grant any other user access to it.

Default invitation settings

You can either give Creator users access to invite others to your Qwilr account or restrict that option to admin users.

To access your default invitation settings, head to the top right corner of Qwilr and click on your initials. Choose Account Settings → Account.

The default options are:

  • Creators can invite any user - all non-admin users can invite anyone to your Qwilr account. Some of these invitations may result in a charge.
  • Creators can only invite users who share the same email domain - non-admins would be restricted to inviting others with, for example, your company's email domain. Keep in mind that if a Creator uses a general email domain like, that would allow them to invite other users with that same domain.
  • Creators can't invite other users - only admin users would be able to issue invitations.

Page-level permission settings

To share a Qwilr Page with a colleague, open the page for editing and head to the top right corner. Click on the Collaborate button.

In the Collaborate menu, click on the field to open a list of current users in your account. From here, you can grant a user view or edit access to this page.

With the Can View option, they'll be able to view your page but they can't edit. With Can Edit enabled, they'll be able to make changes to your page.

Note: If you've chosen to not share a Qwilr Page with a colleague, they won't be able to see your page on their dashboard. It won't exist for them unless you share it. The only exception is if they're an admin. Admins can always view and edit all pages in the account.

What view-only mode looks like

When a user has view-only access to a page, they'll see a notification banner at the top.

Who has access to this page?

You can check on who has access to any page while you're editing it. Head to the top right corner and click the Collaborate button. A list of users who currently have access will drop down. Next to each name you'll see the access they have: View or Edit. Keep in mind that admins can always edit all pages in your account.

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