Adding animation to blocks

Animate and elevate your buyer's experience! 

Add a little subtle motion to your Qwilr Pages. Animations are useful for re-engaging your buyer's attention as they scroll down your page.

You can apply Animation to Text, Splash, Video, Quote, and Accept blocks. You might Animate every Block on your Page, or just one important Block.

Note: In Video Blocks, the Animation applies to any text you've added to the Block, but not to the video itself. 

In this article:

To locate the Animation options, head to the top left corner of any Block. Click on the Paintbrush icon, go to Customize style, and navigate down to Animation.

Enabling Animation in a Block

All Blocks are set to No Animation by default. You can choose from two motion effects:

  • Animate by Section, which applies the motion to each element of your Block, one at a time
  • Animate Together, which adds motion to all elements of your Block at once

Fade Animations

When you select Fade In, the Block elements will fade into view. Clicking Slow, Med, or Fast controls the speed of the fade-in. Click the Preview button any time to see how an Animation will look.

Sliding Animations

Choosing Slide In makes the elements of your Block subtly slide in the direction you've chosen: left, right, up, or down. You can also control the speed of the slide by clicking Slow, Med, or Fast. The Preview button lets you see how the Animation will look.

Note: If you've made a block foldable, any animation you add will replay each time your client expands the block.

Disabling Animations

To turn off the animation in any block, click the Block Style icon, click the Animate tab, and select No Animation.

To turn off the animation in any block, click the Paintbrush icon, go to Customize style, and navigate down to Animation and select No Animation.

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