Adding Google Maps

When you need to show your clients where your office or event is, add an interactive Google Map to your Qwilr Page. 

You can add a Google Map to any type of block. For Text, Splash, Video, Quote, and Accept Block, use the steps below. If you're using an Embed Block, please see these steps instead.

In this article:

Finding the Google Map embed link

In order to embed a map into your Qwilr Page, you'll first need to grab the embed code from Google Maps.

Step 1. Go to the Google Map for the location you want to add to your page. Click the menu in the top right corner.

Step 2. In the left menu, click Share or embed map.

Step 3. Click the Embed a map tab, and then click Copy HTML.

Adding a Google Map inline

Step 1. In your Qwilr page, head to the spot where you want to place the map. Click on a + symbol to bring up the quick-add menu, then select Google Maps.

Step 2. Paste the embed link into the quick-add menu, and then click the checkmark.

If you need to resize the map, click on it, and then click and drag its corners.

You can also use our wide and full bleed settings to extend the embed beyond the inline content.

Adding a Google Map as an embed

You can also add an Embed Block for your Google Map to display in. 

Step 1. Choose Embed from the block menu in your page.

Step 2. Choose Google Maps from the list of embed options.

Step 3. Paste the HTML from Google Maps into the Embed Block, and click See It.

What your client sees

When your client views the map in your page, they'll be able to access zoom controls and satellite view. They can also click to open Google's reviews and directions in a new browser tab.

Deleting a Google Map

To remove a map, click on it to bring up the quick-add menu. Then click the trash can icon.

Have doubts? Please email us at [email protected].

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