Pipeline report overview

Sales velocity helps you measure how quickly your deals move through the sales pipeline and generate revenue. The higher the sales velocity, the better off the business will be. Check out our blog post to learn more about the importance of tracking sales velocity.

In this article

Sales velocity formula

There are 4 key metrics used to measure sales velocity:

  1. Number of opportunities
  2. Average deal value
  3. Win rate
  4. Length of the sales cycle

Here's what the formula looks like:

Available data in the Pipeline report

Qwilr Pipeline reports include the following views into your data:

  • A summary of your Sales velocity score and trend indicator
  • The funnel of your Qwilr pages by page count
  • The funnel of your Qwilr pages, by page value
  • Status transition of your Qwilr pages by page count
  • Status transition of your Qwilr pages by page value
  • Your sales velocity history, mapped to average time to live
  • Your sales velocity history, mapped to average page value
  • Your sales velocity history, mapped to average time to live
  • Your pipeline status history, by page count
  • Your pipeline status history, by page value

You can filter pages by:

  • time period (week, month, quarter, year)
  • team-members (Note: visibility into individual data is limited to your own data and an overall view of your account's data. You will only have visibility into the data of other individual's if they are in your account and you are an admin on your account).
  • currency
  • page types (pages with the quote block, with the accept block, with the quote or accept block, pages with a value you have explicitly set, pages created from templates and pages with tags)

What's next?

Check out this guide on using your pipeline report to start using Pipeline reports for your business. 

Do you need any help? You can always reach out to the team at [email protected]!

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