Default report settings

You will be able to set up default report settings that will be automatically applied to all reports you create. 

In this article:

To manage default report settings, head to your Account settings > Analytics & Reporting.  

Here you will be able to manage:

  • time zone
  • currency
  • collections 
  • clean up settings.

Changing time zone

In the time zone section choose the time zone that will be automatically applied to your reports and click Update.

Changing default currency

In the time currency section choose currency that will be automatically applied to your reports. You will be able to update the currency in the report if needed without changing the default settings.


If you'd like your reports to be based on specific page types, you can set up collections.

For example, you would like to build a report based on the pages created from your Awesome proposal template. For this, head to the collections section in the  Analytics & Reporting and click Add a new collection. You will see a new collection created.

To select the pages for this collection click  Edit. From there, you can select the template that was used to create these pages and/or the tag that is applied to these pages. 

Under  Has content select whether you'd like only particular pages (e.g include only the ones that have an Accept block) or all pages (select Any content) to be included.

To edit the collection name, highlight where it says Collection name and type in a new name: 

You can also set a default collection, by heading into the collection's settings and checking the Set as default collection option.

To delete a collection, click on the three dots button next to the collection name and select Delete.

Default clean up settings

In the default clean up settings, from the drop-down, select the number of days you want to set as the default to be applied to your pipeline reports. This will exclude all pages that haven't been edited within the number of days selected - prior to the time period you're reviewing. You can change this on the report page to adjust the data you're reviewing - it's just handy to have a default applied if you have a large number of pages that you haven't edited for a while, and don't want to include in your pipeline analysis.

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