Splash Blocks

A Splash Block creates instant engagement.

It's a great way to start a new Page or to break up your existing content. You can use still images or videos as backgrounds across the board, but this Block is a stunning way to get your buyers engaged. 

In this article:

Creating a Splash Block

Think of Blocks like Lego pieces that stack to create more content. To add a new Block, first start by clicking the + icon at the top or bottom of any existing Block. 

Then, select the Splash icon from the New Block Menu. 

Click Add Image. (Or, click Add Video to create a video Splash Block.)

From there, you'll have two options. First, you can browse our royalty-free stock library using the controls.

If you'd rather upload your own image, click the Upload button.

Note: Qwilr has a mobile-responsive layout. This means that as your page is viewed on different screen sizes, the Splash image will change in width, and re-crop automatically to fit. We recommend using a flexible background image.

Creating a Video Splash Block

With video Splash Blocks, you can add some eye-catching movement to your pages.

To create a Splash Block, select the Splash icon from your block menu.

Click Add Video.

You'll have these options:

  • Select one of our royalty-free stock videos
  • Insert the URL of a YouTube video of your own

In the Qwilr video library, you can preview any video by clicking on it. To use the video, click the Use Video button in the lower right corner.

To use a video of your own, you'll first need to upload it to YouTube and set it as Public or Unlisted. Then click the YouTube button at the top of the library page and paste in the URL.

What your client sees

Splash videos are intended as backgrounds, so they're silent. Even if your YouTube video has an audio track, no sound will play in the Splash Block. If you need to have audio with your video, it's best to use a Video Block or inline video instead.

If your client views your page on a mobile device, they'll see a thumbnail image in place of the Splash video. The reason we do this is that automatically streaming video consumes data. So to avoid doing that on your clients' mobile devices, we replace the video with a static image.

Styling your Splash Block

To access styling options for your Splash Block, head to the top left corner and click the Block Style icon.

  • You can change the image or video size by setting the block to 1/3 page, 1/2 page or full page.
  • You can place text over the splash image, or add an inline image that will superimpose over the background image. (It's a great way to add your logo.)

  • You can apply an adjustable tint of one of your brand colors over the image.
  • You can also adjust the overall opacity of the block, or have the text appear on a background card for greater contrast.

File sizes, resolutions, and automatic cropping

The best ratio for a Splash image is 16 x 9. If you use an image that's 1600 pixels wide by 900 pixels high, most of it will fit on an average-size desktop monitor. But keep in mind that the Splash Block is meant as a flexible background element. Your Splash image (or video) will recrop automatically on smaller and mobile screens.

If you need your clients to see 100% of an image or video no matter the screen size, it's best to use an inline image or a video block.

Splash images can be up to 2mb in size. If you have an image you want to use, you may need to reduce the file size before you can upload it to Qwilr. It's best to use an image set at 72 dpi.

Changing the Splash image

If you decide to change to a different image or video, click the Swap Splash button at the top left corner of any Splash Block.

You'll be taken back to the image library, where you can select from our stock images and videos or upload another one of your own.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: Can I save my Block and reuse it across different Pages?

A: Yep! If you like your new block, save it so you can reuse it again.

Q: Why does my Video Splash Block not play on Mobile?

A: If your client views your page on a mobile device, they'll see a thumbnail image in place of the Splash video. There are two reasons for this. First, video uses data - so we wanted to avoid that. Secondly, there are some restrictions with YouTube that prevent background embeds on Mobile. So to avoid any issues on your clients' mobile devices, we replace the video with a static image.

Q: Can I change a Splash Block from image to video?

Yes you can! In the top left corner of the Splash Block, click on the Block Options icon (3 dots). 

From there, click on Background and choose the option you need:

Let us know if you have any questions or feedback by emailing [email protected].

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