Setting discounts

Mastering the process of setting discounts

Sometimes you want to make it clear that you're offering your clients a discount on an item or the entire quote. That's what the discount setting is for!

In this article

To learn more about the basics of using the Quote Block, visit this page.

Line item discounts

Let's say you want to discount just one line item in your quote. For this, you'll use a Line Item discount. 

Head to the right of the line item, and click the Line Item Options icon. Then choose Discount

You can choose the Saved option if you already have a discount saved to your library

To create a new discount, choose Custom and select either a dollar amount or a percentage. Add your discount amount. 

Section discounts

Sometimes you might want to discount an entire section of your quote instead of a single line. 

Head to the section you want to discount. In its top right corner, click on the Section Options icon. Choose Discount.

If you already have a discount saved to your library, choose the Saved option. If not, choose Custom and then enter a dollar amount or percentage discount.

Note: If you clone any section of a quote, all discounts you've applied to that section will be in the clone as well. 

Plan card discounts

If you're using a Plan card structure for your quote, you can still apply discounts.

To add a discount to any card, head to its top right corner and click the pencil icon. Then choose Discounts.

From there, you can choose a discount from your saved library, or add a custom one.

You can also apply a discount to a whole section of pricing cards at once. Click along the top edge of the section to bring up the toolbar. Then choose Section Options, and then Discount. You'll be able to choose a saved discount from your library or create a new one.

Whole quote discounts

What if you want to offer a discount on the entire quote total? Well, that's possible too! For this, you'll use a Total discount.

Head to the Total block of your quote, and click on the Total Options icon. Choose Discount

If you already have a discount saved to your library, choose the Saved option. If not, choose Custom and then enter a dollar amount or percentage discount.

Showing/hiding the discount total

You can show the total discounted amount alongside your quote total. This can be handy if you've applied several different discounts to individual lines or sections of your quote. 

Head to the Total block of your quote and click on the Total Options icon. Choose Properties, then enable the Show Total Discounts switch.

If you want to remove this line later, repeat the steps and disable the switch.

Saving a discount to your library

If you frequently use certain discounts, you can save them to your discount library. This way, you can apply them to any line item, section, or entire quote.

To add a discount to your library, simply click on the area where you want to apply the discount (line item, section, or total) and then click on 'Manage Discounts'.

From there, your library will open up. Click on the + symbol to add a new discount, fill out the fields, and click Done

In the discount library, you'll also be able to delete any discount you no longer need. Hover over it and click on the trash can icon that will pop up on the right.

Once you've saved a discount you'll be able to apply it to any quote at the line, section, or total level. If you've applied a saved discount to the quote total, we'll even display the name you've given the discount.

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