How Qwilr handles data security

At Qwilr we work hard to keep your account and your Qwilr Pages secure. This is some information about how we do that.

The URLs for your pages are protected by link secrets. These links secrets are automatically generated, very strong passwords that are part of the URL string. These random hashes are the same security technology that Dropbox, Google and others use to ensure private access to URL-accessible material.

For technical details: the secrets are created by generating a RFC4122-compliant UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) and base64 encoding it.

Search engines cannot crawl these secret link URLs. There are robots.txt instructions preventing it, and there are no links on the public web pointing to these secret URLs. 

Basically, your Pages are secret unless you explicitly share the URL somewhere. They can't be stumbled upon by someone.

If you post links on public websites, there may be a chance that search engines may crawl and index their content. You can also explicitly set your Pages to be indexable by search engines.

Data storage

Qwilr’s servers run in secure AWS data centers. Our production database runs on Mongo DB Atlas with the data encrypted at rest and continuously backed up. See the Mongo DB Atlas security whitepaper here.

Billing security

Qwilr will never see your payment information. Qwilr processes subscription payments using Stripe – an industry-leading payments processor that employs a secure, SSL-encrypted, PCI-compliant system.


If you're on a Business or Enterprise subscription, you'll have access to Advanced Analytics. With that you'll have a far more nuanced view of how your Qwilr Page is being viewed. You can see how many times it's viewed and the general locations of where it's being viewed. On our Enterprise plan, you even limit page views to specific domains.

If one of your pages is ever viewed too many times, or viewed during times that you think are unusual, you can disable the link quickly and easily. You can then create a new version of the page and re-share it as needed.

Additional security features

You can also add security to your documents like password protection or views limits. You can read about that here.

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