Searching for stock images

Let's access some free image resources!

When you're adding inline images or Splash images, you can browse our free image library. We partner with Unsplash to make hundreds of beautiful stock images available.

In this article:

Note: If you need to search images you've uploaded, please see this page.

Accessing the image library from within a page

You can access the Unsplash image library from within any page.

Step 1. Open any Qwilr Page for editing. Navigate towards the middle of the left-hand side of your screen, and click the Library sidebar.

Step 2. The image library will open in a sidebar. Click on the Images tab.

Step 3. Your uploaded images display by default. Click on Uploads to reveal your other image folders. Then choose Unsplash Collections.

From there, you can search for any subject matter you want, and see related images.

Browsing image collections

When you open the Unsplash folder, you will see themed groups of images that are curated periodically by Unsplash. These collections can be helpful if you are not sure about the type of image you need. To view all the images in a particular collection, simply click on it.

Explore tab

You can also use the Explore tab to access a variety of content, including Images, Blocks, and Videos. In the 'All' sub-tab, you can easily browse and find everything in one place, making it faster and easier to create content. To add any item from the Explore tab to your proposal, just drag and drop it where you want it:

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