Filter and sort your dashboard display
Filters help you quickly locate pages on your dashboard or in any folder
You can filter by several criteria.
In this article:
- Filtering by page status
- Filtering by block type or value
- Filtering by people
- Filtering by tags
- Clearing filters
- Sorting your pages
- Last viewed and last edited
Note: Filters apply only to the folder you're in currently. Please see this page for more on dashboard folders.
Filtering by page status
You can filter pages to see only those that are Accepted, Live/Pending, Starred, or in Draft status. To apply this filter, click the Filters button in the top right corner of the dashboard. Click the checkbox for the option (or options) you need, and the display will filter to match. Want to know more about what page statuses mean? See this page.
Filtering by block type or value
You can filter pages to see only those that have accept blocks or quote blocks in the proposals. You can also filter by pages that have a value assigned in them manually or by quote. Click the Filters button in the top right corner of the dashboard. Click the checkbox for the option (or options) you need, and the display will filter to match. Want to know more about how to manually add value to a page? See this page.
Filtering by people
You can also filter by page owners. Click the Filters button, and then enter a name or email address to bring up matching users on your team. Click one or more people's names to filter the display to pages they currently own.
Filtering by tags
If you've added tags to your pages, you'll be able to filter by tag. Click the Filters button and start entering the tag name. A list of your account's related tags will pop up so you can choose one or more. The display will filter to pages using those tags.
Mixing filters
You can use Status, People, and Tag filters together in any combination. If there aren't any pages that match all of the filters you've set, you'll see an empty display.
Clearing filters
Once you've added a filter, you can clear it anytime. Either uncheck its box or click the X next to it. Or clicking the Clear All Filters
Sorting your pages
Sorting your Qwilr pages can provide a quick glance at updates for your most recent pages. Sort by:
- Last edited
- Date created
- Alphabetical
- Last viewed
- Page views
And arrange the sort from ascending or descending order.
Last viewed and Last edited
Find the date and time of your most recent view by hovering your mouse over the view count icon. For last edited time and date, hove the mouse over the Qwilr page row and it will appear under the page title..
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