Setting a price range with a Variable line item

Do you wish to implement price ranges in your quotes?

Sometimes you want to offer different prices depending on the quantity your buyer purchases. That's what the price range feature is for. You can also combine price ranges with optional quantities and optional line items.

In this article:

Visit this page for the basics of using the Quote Block. You can set up a new price range from either a Table-style quote, or a Plan card quote.

Creating a price range: Table-style quote

Step 1. If you're using a Table-style quote, head to the bottom of any section. Click the Variable button to add a new line item to your quote.

Step 2. Add a description for the line item, and then click on the Item field. A drop down menu will appear.

You can either access price ranges you've previously created, or click Manage Variables to set up a new one. (See the Variables section for those steps.)

Creating a price range: Plan card-style quote

Step 1. If you're using a Plan card-style quote, click the + symbol to add a new card, and then choose Variable.

Step 2. Click on the Find a variable field in the new card. Then click the Variable Item field. 

You can either access price ranges you've previously created, or click Manage Variables to set up a new one. (See the next section for those steps.)

Setting up a variable

Step 1. Now you'll be in your price range library. Click on the + to add a new variable to your library.

Step 4. Enter the name of the new variable, set a unit price, and then define the unit - are you pricing per hour, per each, per dozen, or something else? You can choose a unit from the menu or add a new one.

Note: Once you've created a variable, any edits you make to it later will cause a recalculation in every page that's using it.

Step 5. Next, you'll set up the pricing range. Click on the arrow icon next to your new variable to open the Settings. Enable the If over and If under switches.

So, for example, let's say you want to offer variable pricing on Bananas in this quote. For purchases under 100 bananas, you want to change $1.75 each. For purchases between 100 and 500, bananas are $1.50 each. And for purchases over 500 bananas, you'll charge $1.00 each. Your range would look like this:

Step 6. To save this new variable price, click Done.

Using price ranges in a quote

Once you have at least one variable saved in your library, you can using them in quotes. Follow the steps above for adding a new variable line to your preferred style of quote. Then choose the saved variable from your menu.

If you want your client to be able to choose their own quantity, be sure to set an optional quantity for this item and add a minimum and maximum.

Confused? Drop us a message at [email protected], and we'll clear things up for you.

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