Using Qwilr's Page Editor for Text

Formatting Text on your Qwilr Page

If you're just getting started, here's a comprehensive guide on how to format your text using our editor. This primer will walk you through the basics and help you make the most of the powerful formatting tools available in Qwilr, ensuring your documents are both visually appealing and professionally structured.

In this article:

The Basics

Once you've added a Text Block or Splash Block, you'll see a placeholder where you can start adding text. For example, this is what a brand-new Text Block looks like: 

View of a new Text Block

Click on the placeholder and begin typing. Once you have some text in the block, you'll be able to highlight it. That causes the editing toolbar to pop up, and then you'll use it to make changes.


Qwilr has two sizes of heading: H1 (main heading) or H2 (subheading). To make any text into a heading, highlight it and choose either H1 Title or H2 Subttile from the toolbar. Click Body text to change back to body text.

Bolding Text

If you want to bold text, highlight it and choose the B option in the toolbar.

If you want to remove the bolding, repeat the process.


If you want to italicize text, highlight it and choose the I option in the toolbar. 

If you want to remove the italics, repeat the process.


If you want to strikethrough text, highlight it and choose the S option in the toolbar. 

To remove the strikethrough, repeat the process.

Block quotes

If you'd like to format text like a quote, highlight that text and choose the ❝ icon. That will add formatting to call attention to your quote. (It's a great way to highlight testimonials from customers!)

Note: You can add different styling to block quotes in the style menu.


You'll be able to add ordered and unordered lists. To add a list, highlight the text you want to listify. In the toolbar, choose either the Unordered (bulleted) list or Ordered (numbered) list.

To make a list item into a sub-item, use your Tab key to indent it. To move a sublist item back up a level, hold down your Shift key while tabbing. To completely remove a line item from a list, highlight the line and use your Delete/Backspace key.

Note: You can add different styling to lists in the style menu.

To add a link, highlight the text you want to link and then click on the Link icon in the toolbar. Type in or paste the URL. If you want to add an email link, you'll want to format it as a mailto link. Example: mailto:[email protected]

To remove a link, hover over it to bring up the link toolbar. Then click the Unlink icon.

Note: You can add styling to your links from the style menu.

Formatting text in the Quote Block

Within your Quote Blocks you'll be able to add limited formatting to your text. You can:

  • Bold text
  • Italicize text
  • Change section titles to H2
  • Link text

Animation of styling being applied to the Quote Block

Keyboard shortcuts

You might find these useful as you're editing.

  • Bold: Cmd + B (Mac) / Ctrl + B (Windows):
  • Italic: Cmd + I (Mac) / Ctrl + I (Windows): 
  • Copy: Cmd + C (Mac) / Ctrl + C (Windows):
  • Paste Cmd + V (Mac) / Ctrl + V (Windows):
  • Undo Cmd + Z (Mac) / Ctrl + Z (Windows): 
  • Redo Cmd + Shift + Z (Mac) / Ctrl + Y (Windows): 
  • Download window Cmd + P (Mac) / Ctrl + P (Windows): 
  • Content sidebar Cmd + \ (Mac) / Ctrl + \ (Windows)

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