Creating Qwilr Tokens for Images, Videos, Maps, and Buttons

Hi, {{first_name}}! Elevate your page effortlessly and impress your audience automatically with Tokens. 

Tokens make it easy to personalize pages with your client's name and other text-based details

But did you know you can make your Qwilr Page even more engaging with the addition of images and videos? And, if you're looking to guide your clients seamlessly to different destinations, Tokens have got you covered with customizable buttons too!This article covers using tokens for visuals in Qwilr-based templates. If you're using our HubSpot or Salesforce integrations, please see the article on CRM templates instead.

Note: You'll need to have your Template already converted from a Page before starting these steps.

In this article:

Getting Started

This article covers using tokens for visuals in Qwilr-based templates. If you're using our HubSpot or Salesforce integrations, please see the article on CRM templates instead.

You'll need to have your template already converted before starting these steps.

Creating Image Tokens

Let's say you have a spot in your Qwilr Page where you'd like an image to go, but you need to use different images for different clients. You can set up an image placeholder in your template, and attach a token to it.

Note: You'll need to have your images hosted somewhere online, so that you can get a URL address for each image. Each image also needs to be publicly available - private content won't work with Tokens.

For this example, let's say that we always need an image of some athletic shoes to appear in our Qwilr Page, but we need to use different images depending on the client. We have 3 images hosted online, and a URL for each one.

Step 1. First, you'll open your Template for editing and then set up an account token for the image. Your image tokens and text-based tokens will live in the same list.

It can be helpful to specify in the Token name that it's an image.

Step 2. Now, you'll add an image placeholder to your template. To do this, click on the + symbol on any blank line, then choose Image from the Widget Menu. 

An image placeholder will appear. You can drag its corners to resize it as needed. A toolbar also appears at the top of the placeholder, where you'll access your account Token list.

Step 3. To add the image token to this placeholder, head to the toolbar and click the Add Token icon. A list of your current account tokens will pop up so you can choose the correct one for this image.

Note: You can do this process anywhere in your page you'd use an image. You can put a placeholder and token in a 2-column widget, for example, or an accordion section.

Step 4. Your image token is all set! Now when you create a new page from this Template, you'll be prompted to add the URL for the image you want to use in your Page.

And that's it - you've customized an image so any Pages created from your Templates will be ready to go by simply pasting a different image URL! 

Creating Video Tokens

Video Tokens work similarly to Image Tokens. You'll add a placeholder to your Template and then connect a Token. 

For this example, let's say that we always want to add an intro video to our Qwilr Page, but you want it to be a different video for each client.

Note: You'll need to have your videos hosted online, so you can get the URL for each one. Qwilr supports videos hosted on several services, and you can learn more about that here. Your video must be publicly viewable - private videos won't work with Tokens.

Step 1. Open your Template for editing. Set up an account token for your video. As with an image token, it can be helpful to specify in the token's name that it's a video like the screenshot below. 

Step 2. Next, add a video placeholder to your template. To do this, click on the + symbol on any blank line. Choose Video from the Widget Menu that appears.

A video placeholder will appear. You can drag its corners to resize it if needed. A toolbar also appears at the top of the placeholder. That's where you'll access your account tokens list.

Note: Qwilr also has a Video Block, but it doesn't currently support Tokens. Instead, use the Video Widget as shown above.

Step 3. To add the Video Token to this placeholder, head to the toolbar and click the Add Token icon. A list of your current Account Tokens will pop up so you can choose the correct one for this video.

Step 4. Your Video Token is all set! Now, each time you create a new page from this template, you'll be prompted to add the URL for the video you want to use each time you send your Page! 

Creating Google Maps Tokens

You can also set up a Token to display Google Maps. Let's say you have multiple office locations and you want to place different maps in different clients' Qwilr Pages.

Step 1. Head to Google Maps and get the embed code for the map you want to use. 

Step 2. Back in Qwilr, open your template for editing. Set up an account token for your map. It can be helpful to specify in the Token's name that it's a map, like in the screenshot below. 

Step 3. Next, open your Template for editing and add a Google Maps placeholder. To do this, click on the + symbol on any blank line. Choose Google Maps from the Widget Menu dropdown.

The Google Maps placeholder has a toolbar at the top, and this is where you'll access your account tokens.

Step 4. To add the map Token to this placeholder, head to the toolbar and click the Add Token icon. A list of your current Account Tokens will pop up so you can choose the correct one for this map.

Your Google Maps Token is all set! Now when you create a new page from this template, you'll be prompted to add the embed code for the Google Map each time you go to share your Qwilr Page!

Creating Custom Button Tokens

Qwilr has a clickable button you can add to any Template. If you need to have that button link to different destinations for different clients, you can add a Token to it to achieve this! 

In this example, we're adding a "Contact Us" button to our Template. But we'll want this to link to different contact form pages on our website, depending on the client.

Step 1. Open your Template for editing. Set up an account token for your button. It's helpful to call out that it's a Button Token in the Token name, like the screenshot below. 

Step 2. Add a new Button to your Template. To do this, click on the + symbol on any blank line, then choose Button from the Widget Menu dropdown. 

Step 3. Click on the Button to add text.

Step 4. Click on the top edge of the Button to bring up a Toolbar, then click on the Link icon. 

From there, click on the Add Token icon. That will bring up a list of all your Account Tokens, so you can choose the one for this Button.

If you want to verify the Token at any time, click the top edge of the Button. The Link icon will be blue to indicate there's an assigned Token. Click on it to see which one is added.

Your Button Token is ready! Now when you create a new page from this Template, you'll be prompted to add the URL you want the Button linked to - so your buyer's can have a custom experience every time! 

Removing a Token from a placeholder

You can unassign a Token at any time. 

Click along the top edge of any placeholder to bring up the Toolbar. Click the Token Icon (which would now have a slash through it) to remove that Token.

From here, you can click the Add Token icon again to assign a different Token. Or, if you'd rather add the content directly to your Template without a Token, click on the placeholder itself to do that.

What if I forget to add a URL to the token?

Whenever you create a new Page from your Template, you'll see a form where you'll add all the URLs for any Tokens used on that Page. That allowed the content to be added to your Page before you share it with a buyer. 

But what if you don't have all the details handy in that moment? What if you need to leave some fields blank?

In this case, an empty placeholder widget will appear on the new Page. You can click on the top edge of the placeholder to either add the content manually, or delete the placeholder.

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