Meet your Qwilr Dashboard

Your Qwilr Dashboard is the first thing you’ll see after logging in. Let’s take a quick look at how it works.

In this article:

What's on the Dashboard?

Every new Page you create will be added to your Dashboard. You can access some useful options by hovering over any Page line.

Learn more about these options:

Note: In Qwilr, Pages and Templates are different things. If you convert any Page to a Template, it will be moved to your Template Library.

Pending? Live? Accepted?

Each page shows a current Status, so you know which Pages your client has accepted. 

Keeping your Pages organized

Qwilr offers lots of ways to sort and store your Pages.

If you add tags to your Pages, that helps your team easily filter the Dashboard to find specific Pages.

Sort your Pages list by Last edited, Date created, Alphabetical, Last viewed, and Page views in either ascending or descending order.

If you want to keep your Pages organized, you can create folders. This will help you to easily find and access your Pages when you need them.

Creating a new Page

Are you looking to create a new Page? You can do so from either a blank template or from a template. Start by clicking the Create New button.

Getting back to the Dashboard

No matter where you are in Qwilr, head to the top left corner and click our logo. Boom! You're back on your Dashboard.

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